In a letter sent to Devereux on Thursday, September 26th, the Easttown Zoning Officer revoked his original determination of August 30th:
“Upon review of this additional information, which I was not privy to when I made my initial zoning use determination on August 30, 2019, I have determined that you are in fact proposing a change of the existing nonconforming zoning use at 228 Highland Avenue from an advanced behavioral health facility to a new and different zoning use being a transitional housing shelter facility, and as such I hereby revoke my original determination of August 30, 2019.” Read the entire letter.
Devon residents came together quickly in fierce opposition to Devereux’s plans for a migrant detention center for undocumented children on Highland Avenue and applaud the new zoning determination. A recently distributed flyer by neighbors stated: “We are looking to ensure Devereux is both accountable and transparent with our neighborhood as it related to the zoning and usage standards established in their non-conforming agreement as well as their seemingly secretive changing plans for the future of this facility.”
Read about a petition here with over 525 signatures as of Thursday, September 26.