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Township Volunteer Opportunity – Planning Commission

Easttown Township seeks a volunteer for a vacant position on its Planning Commission. As an advisory body, the Planning Commission makes recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on all land development and subdivision applications that are submitted to the Township. The Planning Commission plays an important role in developing and implementing the Township’s Comprehensive Plan, as well as keeping the Subdivision and Land Development and Zoning Codes up to date and in compliance with Pennsylvania’s Municipalities Planning Code. 

Interested candidates must be residents of the Township and have availability on the evenings of the first Tuesday each month for regular business meetings. Additional time will be required for special Planning Commission meetings, projects, and plan review, as necessary. The term of this vacancy expires December 31, 2021. Regular Planning Commission terms are four years.

Please submit a resume and letter of interest to Township Manager, Dan Fox at dfox@easttown.orgno later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 13, 2019.

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