Below are some suggested links  to help voters find information about issues and candidates. The Easttown Township Democratic Committee is not endorsing any of the these organizations. Feel free to contact us with additional suggestions. We hope to be adding some links on environmental, health, tax policy and educational issues in the future.  



Move On – An on-line organization that works to realize the progressive vision of our country’s founders by providing a way for its busy but concerned 3.3 million members across America to find their politcial voice in a system dominated by big money and big media. 
Indivisible – A network of 5,800 local groups in every Congressional District that lobby for progessivechange.
Daily Kos – A news organization with over 18 million readers, a community of 3 million people, and an activist hub working for electoral and policy change.
Our Revolution – Built upon the success of Bernie Sanders’ presidential 2016 campaign, it organizes grassroots action to elect progressive candidates to political office, from school boards to congressional seats.
Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) – A Quaker lobby that works with people from many different races, religions, and cultures to advocate social and economic justice, peace, and good government.
Congressional Progressive Caucus Center – Brings together progressive members of Congress, community leaders, organizers, advocates, unions, and policy experts to advance racial, economic, and gender justice as well as peace, energy independence, environmental sustainability, and human rights.
Data for Progress – A multidisciplinary group of experts using state-of-the-art techniques in data science (polling, voter analysis) to support progressive activists and causes.
Demand Progress – Seeks to protect the democratic character of the internet (Net Neutrality). Through, works to eliminate the corrupting influence of big money in politics and reform the financial system. Also, works to win progressive policy changes for ordinary people through organizing and grassroots lobbying on issues of civil liberties, civil rights, and government reform.
RootsAction – An online initiative dedicated to galvanizing people who are committed to economic fairness, equal rights for all, civil liberties, environmental protection, and defunding endless wars.
Faithful America – An online community of citizens motivated by faith to take action to end poverty and promote economic security for all, promote peace and restore America’s commitment to human rights and diplomacy, prevent the catastrophic effects of climate change, counter hate speech and misinformation in the media pertaining to people of faith, and create welcoming communities where immigrants and people of all faiths are welcome.
Stand Up America – An online effort to provide its network of 2 million people with the information they need to take timely, impactful action on stopping corruption and increasing voter participation, restoring voting rights, and reducing the influence of big money in politics.


Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) – Endorses bold progressive candidates, helps them run efficient and effective campaigns, raises money for them, and gives volunteers the opportunity to help these campaigns succeed.
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) – A large group of progressive grassroots activists from across the country who want to support other activists locally and carry the progressive agenda from the American grassroots to Congress to guide the development of progressive legislation, fight for its passage into law, and support the realization of progressive policies at the state and local levels.
Democracy for America (DFA) – A political action committee inspired by the presidential campaign of Howard Dean, and now dedicated to supporting fiscally responsible, socially progressive candidates at all levels of government — from school board to the presidency.
Public Leadership Institute / Progressive Majority Action Fund – Hosts the largest network of progressive lawmakers at the state and local level, the Progressive Leaders Network.
21st Century Democrats – Founded by progressive Democratic officials to give progressive and populist candidates the support they need to win elections.
Young Democrats of America (YDA) – Mobilizes young people under the age of 36 to participate in the electoral process, influences the ideals of the Democratic Party, and develops the skills of the youth generation to serve as leaders at the local and national level.
Americans For Democratic Action (ADA) – America’s oldest independent liberal lobbying organization, dedicated to individual liberty and building economic and social justice at home and abroad.
National Committee for an Effective Congress (NCEC) – A political action committee (PAC) supporting progressive candidates who fight for freedom of choice, separation of church and state, gun control, equal rights, and environmental protection.
Emerge America – Recruits, trains, and provides a powerful network for Democratic women running for political office.
EMILY’s List – ‘Early Money is Like Yeast’ (it makes the dough rise), EMILY’s List identifies and supports viable pro-choice Democratic women candidates for key federal, state, and local offices.


Advancement Project – Using law, public policy and strategic communications, acts in partnership with local communities to build a fair and just multi-racial democracy and to advance universal opportunity, equity, and access.
Project Vote – Provides professional training, management, evaluation, and technical services to support voter mobilization in thousands of low-income and minority communities.
America Votes – A coalition of many of the largest membership-based groups in the country — representing more than 20 million Americans — who have come together to increase voter registration, education, and participation in electoral politics.
Rock the Vote – Engages youth in the political process — voter registration drives, get-out-the-vote events, and voter education efforts by incorporating the entertainment community and youth culture into its activities.
NextGen America – Works to turn out young voters (age 18-35) who are less likely to vote or who are not currently registered.
New Voters Project – A nonpartisan project of the Student PIRGs (Public Interest Research Groups) that works to register young people and get them to the polls on Election Day.
Voter Participation Center – Dedicated to increasing the participation and amplifying the voices of unmarried women (women who are single, widowed, divorced or separated), people of color, 18–29 year olds, and other historically underrepresented groups in our democracy. Formerly, Women’s Voices. Women Vote.
Movement2017 – Provides a service for progressive donors: an annotated list of the best local voter organizing groups and key national resistance networks.
League of Women Voters (LWV) – Fights to improve our systems of government and to impact public policies through citizen education and advocacy.
Campus Election Engagement Project (CEEP) – Nonpartisan project that helps administrators, faculty, staff, and student leaders at America’s colleges and universities engage students in federal, state, and local elections.


Democracy Initiative – A coalition of 58 organizations working to enhance voting rights and blunt the huge influence of corporate money flooding our political system.
Democracy 21 – Works to eliminate the undue influence of big money in American politics, prevent government corruption, empower citizens in the political process, and ensure the integrity and fairness of government decisions and elections by promoting campaign finance reform and other related political reforms.
Democracy Matters – Informs and engages college students and communities in efforts to strengthen our democracy, focussing on removing private money from politics and other pro-democracy reforms.
FairVote — The Center for Voting and Democracy – Seeks elections that promote voter turnout, fair representation, inclusive policy, and meaningful choices through electoral reforms such as instant runoff voting, proportional voting, direct election of the president, and automatic voter registration.
Fair Elections Center – A national, nonpartisan voting rights and legal support organization whose mission is to remove barriers to registration and voting for traditionally underrepresented constituencies and improve overall election administration through administrative, legal, and legislative reform as well as provide legal and technical assistance to voter mobilization organizations. – Works to make sure that our election systems are reliable and publicly verifiable.
Free Speech for People – Advocates for a constitutional amendment to limit campaign spending and to repeal the doctrine of corporate personhood.


Common Cause – Works for honest, open, and accountable government, encourages citizen participation in democracy, and fights against corruption in government and big money special interests.
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) – Sues government officials who sacrifice the common good to special interests.
Center for Responsive Politics (CRP) — – Tracks money in politics and its effect on elections and public policy.
Sunlight Foundation – Uses cutting-edge technology and ideas to make government transparent, accountable, and more meaningfully accessible to citizens.
Project On Government Oversight (POGO) – Investigates and exposes cases of waste, fraud, and abuse in federal agencies and exposes the role of special interest money in politics.
Center for Effective Government – Works to build an open, accountable government that invests in the common good, protects people and the environment, and advances the national priorities defined by an active, informed citizenry. Formerly, OMB Watch.
National Security Archive – An independent non-governmental research institute and library located at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. that collects and publishes declassified documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
Government Accountability Project (GAP) – Promotes government and corporate accountability by advancing occupational free speech, defending whistleblowers, and empowering citizen activists.
National Whistleblowers Center – Works to ensure that disclosures about government or industry actions that violate the law or harm the environment are fully heard, and that the whistleblowers who risk their careers to expose wrongdoing are defended.
National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC) – An alliance of whistleblowers who have come forward to address our nation’s security weaknesses; to inform authorities of security vulnerabilities in our intelligence agencies, at nuclear power plants and weapon facilities, in airports, and at our nation’s borders and ports; to uncover government waste, fraud, abuse, and criminal conduct.
Fund for Constitutional Government (FCG) – Works to expose and correct corruption in the federal government and other major national institutions through research and public education.
American Constitution Society for Law and Policy (ACS) – An organization of lawyers, law students, scholars, judges, policymakers, and activists that works to ensure that our country’s founding values of human dignity, individual rights and liberties, genuine equality, and access to justice enjoy their rightful, central place in American law.
Center for Progressive Reform (CPR) – An organization of university-affiliated academics with expertise in the legal, economic, and scientific issues related to regulation of health, safety, and the environment that seeks to inform policy debates, critique anti-regulatory research, enhance public understanding of the issues, and open the regulatory process to public scrutiny.